
Legalization of Marijuana in US
In the United States, the use and possession of cannabis is illegal under federal law for any purpose, by way of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Under the CSA, cannabis is classified as a Schedule I substance....

Climate Change and the Effect of the COVID-19 Lockdown on it
COVID-19 has led to noticeable shifts in environmental parameters, owing to most countries enforcing stay-at-home orders and people venturing out only for essentials......

Access to higher education
Access to higher education is a topic of high interest, with direct consequences on national educational policies, the development of labor market and quality of life.....

Causes of Unemployment
The graduate unemployment rate is one of the current issues being discussed by higher education scholars. College students spend their time and money in order to receive educational advantages .....

Technological Accessibility to Eductaion
The graduate unemployment rate is one of the current issues being discussed by higher education scholars. College students spend their time and money in order to receive educational advantages unavailable to high school graduates.......

Feasibility of Affirmative Actions in Education
Affirmative actions were put into place to fine-tune the historical mistakes committed by those who wielded power against the social, and cultural minorities. The government introduced reserved seats in formal jobs.....