Event : Global Voices MUN Program
Date: Date: 21st November - 20th December
The Global Voices Model UN Program is an initiative taken up by some of the finest MUN Societies in the world. It provides a safe, accessible space for youth to collaborate and find solutions on Climate Action, Gender Equality, Quality Education, Peace, and Inclusion.

UN Women
Date : 22nd November 2020
Agenda : Discussion of the deprivation of women's rights and gender-based violence with special emphasis on Female Genital Mutilation and Abortion Rights
Partner organization : Dravidian MUNSOC

Date: 4th December 2020
Agenda : Space Technology and the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda
Partner organization : Expressions - BITSMUN Dubai

Date : 5th December 2020
Agenda : Achieving Inclusive and Quality Education through equitable online learning for all, keeping in view socio-economic and cultural wellness
Partner organization : NIT-Silchar MUN

World Leaders Summit
Date: 6th December 2020
Agenda : Deliberations on resuming the economic and non-economic activities by member states in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
Partner organization : Bhubaneswar International MUN

Date: 11th December 2020
Agenda : Rehabilitation of the States in the African sub-continent region with special emphasis on the SDG's
Partner organization : Indian Diplomacy Summit

Date: 12th December 2020
Agenda : The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation in the Sustainable Development Goals

African Union
Date : 13th December 2020
Agenda : Agenda 2063
Partner organization : VIT Pune MUN

Date: 18th December 2020
Agenda : Prevention of human trafficking with special emphasis on women and children
Partner organization : BITSMUN Hyderabad

Date : 19th December 2020
Agenda : Effect of Climate Change on Health
Partner organization : NTUMUN Singapore

Date: 20th December 2020
Agenda : Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to protect.
The Global Voices Model UN Program is meant to be an educational initiative, therefore, the sponsors of BITSMUN Goa, GlobalShala and Northeastern University, have been requested to provide the amount in the form of scholarships only. The prize money would be given as follows:
1. 5 macro scholarships from Northeastern University, worth 5000$ each
2. 10 micro scholarships from GlobalShala, worth 200$ each
Terms and conditions:
> The cumulative prize pool is worth 27,000$, for all 10 committees collectively.
> The prizes would be given directly from the respective partners to the winners, not by BITSMUN Goa.
> No cash compensation or cash equivalent of the prizes would be provided.
> The prizes would awarded in a league structure. All the award winners from all the 10 committees would be given a numerical score normalized to their award. (10 for Best Delegate, 8 for High Commendation, 6 for Special Mention, 4 for Honourable/Verbal Mention, 2 for participation. At the end of all the MUN Simulations, the totaled scores of the top 15 participants of the series would be used to determine the prizes. In case a participant has taken part in multiple committees, the scores of those would also be included.
> BITSMUN Goa has the right to modify the terms & conditions at any given time during the duration of the program. Participants are expected to regularly check this space for updates.